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Author: haffordk

  • Third Story for Publishing

    Third Story for Publishing

    This is the Second of Many Tests The story is about how to use this new set up By Kristen Hafford Mary is going to begin writing and using this new system to help keep the local community informed. This system should be easy to use and edit and share! The rest of this article…

  • Second Test Story

    Second Test Story

    This is the Second of Many Tests The story is about how to use this new set up By Kristen Hafford Mary is going to begin writing and using this new system to help keep the local community informed. This system should be easy to use and edit and share! The rest of this article…

  • This is the First of Many Tests

    This is the First of Many Tests

    Learning about this new system allows for Mary to easily publish items to a new website!

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!